Coram's Fields is a unique seven-acre playground and park for children and young people living in or visiting London. The park is open all year round for children under 16 years and their facilities include; adventure play areas for under 5’s and older young people, sand and water play, a small animal area, paddling pool, three football pitches and a café.

The charity runs a number of services for local families including; an Under 5’s Drop-In, Nursery, Sports Programme, an Out of School Club and Youth Centre. For over 80 years, Coram’s Fields has existed solely for children and young people with the policy ‘no adult can enter the site without a child’. Their friendly on-site staff ensure that everyone can enjoy their visit.
You can find Coram's Fields in the heart of London between King's Cross and Holborn. 94 Guilford Street WC1N 1DN
For more information, visit: http://www.coramsfields.org