Listen to the stories of three inspirational speakers who share their experience from three different angles - development/making/business. What does design by children and for children mean? Why is it important and to whom does it apply? Talks running from 4pm at the Pavillion
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Yesim Kunter is a recognized play expert and a creative strategist understanding behavior of people to create new experiences and define new opportunities. Previous to her consultancy she had worked for Toys R Us (NY), Lego (Billund, Denmark) and Hasbro (UK) as a futurist. Previous to her consultancy she had worked for Toys R Us (NY), Lego (Billund, Denmark) and Hasbro (UK) as a futurist.

Rebecca, inspired by her work with British designer Katharine Hamnett and the Environmental Justice Foundation wanted to create a beautiful, ethical and sustainable product. Alice, illustrator and Project Coordinator at the British Museum and The National Portrait Gallery was excited about bringing her distinctive illustrations to this original concept.

A flexible workspace in the heart of Bloomsbury with a high-quality creche at an Ofsted registered site. Additional startup courses, events, workshops and networking